Without the generosity of supporters like you- we would cease to exist...
See how to help below!

There are several ways you can make a tax deductible donation to S.O.S Rescue Relief!
S.O.S. is a registered 501c3 charity, so we can gladly provide you with a letter of receipt for any donation (in kind or monetary) made to us!
Monetary Donations
This is where we have the most need and appreciate any amount of support you can provide. Monetary donations help provide day-to-day care of our homeless cats and kittens, replenish our emergency medical fund, assist in our feral cat initiatives, allow us to provide emergency rescue response assistance to those in need and allow us to continue our community education efforts. See below for options to donate securely online!
If you would prefer to send a donation by mail, please contact us at s.o.s.rescuerelief@gmail.com for our correct mailing address.

In-Kind Donations
We accept new and gently used physical donations too! See our list of needed items below or feel free to visit our Amazon Wish List to see items for purchase. If you have an in kind donation, please email us so we can make arrangements to accept.
Shop on Amazon!
Physical Donations Wish List
Lysol Wipes
Lysol Spray
Clumping Cat Litter
Hand Sanitizer
Feliway Spray
Baby scales
Pet nursing kits and bottles
Velcro collars (for kitten ID)
Baby recieving blankets
Snuggle Safe Pet Heating Discs
Click Here to download a PDF of our current list
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Check out our Amazon Wish List and have items sent directly to us!
While you're shopping - be sure to consider selecting us as your Amazon Smile Charity!
AmazonSmile is a simple no cost way for you to make a difference while you shop. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com via your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop with AmazonSmile - the good people at Amazon donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice at when you check out.